
Delta Team Tactical : Aero Precision Complete Upper



This (https://www.deltateamtactical.com/Aero-Precision-308-Complete-Upper-Build-Kit-Socom-20-308-W-17-Super-Slim-M-Lok-Handguard-Fits-Lr-308-DPMS-Platform-Rifles_p_6250.html) aero precision complete upper features a top end premium 308 upper receiver and a superior qaulity 308 20" Parkerized Socom Barrel with a 1:10 twist that has superb accuracy and a very long life durability. Featuring a Premium Davidson Defense Super Slim M-lok 17" handguard to fit all of your accessories giving this upper a very aggressive look. For more information about Delta Team Tactical @ 855-361-1800.

My Official Website:- https://www.deltateamtactical.com/

Address:- 333 N State Street, Orem, UT 84057

Phone:- 855-361-1800